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Clipping plane masked objects look ghosted

Home Forums Graphics / Blender Clipping plane masked objects look ghosted

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  • #80266

    Dear Verge community,
    I used clipping plane to create “rising pipe” animation. The hidden part looks ghosted on Verge 3d. Please check attached screengrab. How I can fix it? Would appreciate any advice

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    сcan you share the project files?

    Co-founder and lead graphics specialist at Soft8Soft.


    @Mikhail, thank you so much for response.
    I figured it out : I applied the environment from Machinery Material Pack – removing this environment solved the issue.
    Sorry for delayed reply.

    • This reply was modified 5 days, 8 hours ago by iren.

    to use rising pipe you can also try vertex group & shape key animation option..
    just a possibility


    I will try… Still processing tutorials on YouTube ( from Xeon)…takes me some time

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