Hello, I create Curve Text and then export it in glTF format. The version I am using is verge3d 2.13.0. Then I can add it to the scene with the loader. But what I want to do is to be able to change this Text whenever I want. For example, I want to make “Y” while writing “X” by default in the Text object. I can replace the geometry part of the Text I added to the scene with a new TextGeometry, but this time it loses the Curve property. There are no parameters and text in the geometry part of the Text object. How can I do that?
const loader = new v3d.GLTFLoader()
loader.load('../../assets/newText.gltf', function(gltf) {
console.log('gltf: ', gltf)
var item;
var item2;
if (x.name === "ManText") {
item = x
}else if(x.name === "WomanText"){
item2 = x
console.log('item1:', item)
console.log('item2: ', item2);
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