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Blender shapekeys not visable in Verge3D

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  • #76989

    Hello All,

    I have a problem where shapekeys (of a hole) work fine in Blender (4.1.1) but when I export the file to Verge (4.7.1) the shapekeys related the the hole aren’t visable in the verge viewer. Attached is a stripped down version of the project with only the part in question and a screenshot in the shapekeys in action in Blender.
    (the goal is to create a hole in the plate that can be positioned with the shapekeys)

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance, Marten

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    Project: https://cdn.soft8soft.com/AROAJSY2GOEHMOFUVPIOE:ef82c94520/TopPlate.zip


    It’s because you use ngon, but when you export to the engine thw whole mesh triangulated and you get this.

    So you need to triangulate the model manually and remake shapekeys again after triangulation.

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    Co-founder and lead graphics specialist at Soft8Soft.


    aaahhh makes sense! Is it recommended to always triangulate all models? to get the most predictable results?

    PS. Thanks for your fast reply!


    It’s not strictly recommended. Sometimes it triangulates with good result so you even doesn’t know that it’s triangulated after export, but sometimes it critical to do it manually especially for ngons. Better to keep all in polygons or triangles if it possible.

    Co-founder and lead graphics specialist at Soft8Soft.


    Is it recommended to always triangulate all models? to get the most predictable results?

    Yes. To avoid surprises.

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.


    Thanks Mikhail and KDV!

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