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Armature animation export issues in V3D 4.8 and 4.9

Home Forums Bug Reports and Feature Requests Armature animation export issues in V3D 4.8 and 4.9

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  • #80885

    Hello, Yuri, Alexander, and the whole team,
    I am back working on my WebGL projects again and am busy updating my projects to the latest versions of Blender (4.3 and 4.4) and Verge3D (4.8 and 4.9)
    First of all, thanks! 4.8 and 4.9 are significant updates with important new features and great render improvements. :good:
    I’m so glad the geometry nodes that I have built export without problems and render superbly.
    However, I found an issue with exporting armature animations:
    – With Blender 4.3 and Verge3D 4.7.1 it works without problems.

    – With Bl 4.3 and V3D 4.8, the animation renders well in my browser(s), but all my keyframes have disappeared in Blender. With an undo in Blender, my keyframes are back again, but losing key frames in Blender shouldn’t happen. Could you look into this?

    – With Bl 4.4 and V3D 4.9, everything works fine without the armature animation, but when I export with the animation, Blender hangs endlessly, so I have to force-quit Blender.
    (Note. I always save my files incrementally, and if I’m using a new Blender version, I include its version name as well so that can’t be the problem.)
    Blender 4.4 has partly changed its animation system, so could that be the problem? :unsure:

    Could you please look into this export with armature animation issue?

    Thanks! :bye:


    Hi Simone,
    Could you please provide the minimal *.blend file that have this issue so we could check? We have some test files with armature animation but they all have no issues in both Blender 4.3 and 4.4

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
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