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AR issues with 4.6.0

Home Forums Bug Reports and Feature Requests AR issues with 4.6.0

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  • #72212

    Hello there,
    i’ve found another issue with AR and v4.6.0 :
    On iOS, it refuses to go inside AR :
    I get the darken video, and a message telling that the object need newer version of iOS to be opened.
    I’ve uninstalled 4.6.0, back installed 4.5.1, get back old version of my app (i mean 4.5.1 version of it), and iOS is back !

    "1+1=3... for large values of 1"


    Hi Claudio,

    Does the Augmented Reality demo works for you (https://v3d.net/ar) ? Also please specify what device model and iOS version are you using?

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
    X | FB | LinkedIn


    Hi Alexander,
    https://v3d.net/ar) works on my iPhone 15 pro max / iOS 17.4.1

    But here what happened :
    Installed 4.6.0, opened old app i’ve made :
    > just opened the puzzle, to add one Hide / Show obejct puzzle, nothing special.
    > saved puzzle, upped onto v3d.net server for test
    Not working.

    I’ve uninstalled 4.6.0, back to 4.5.1, got back a backuped version of the same app, edited puzzle to add my show/hide object puzzle, upped to v3d.net server :
    Works like a charm.

    To be precise, under 4.6.0, i only added 2 hide/show puzzles, i did not upgraded the app to 4.6 using the round green arrow.

    "1+1=3... for large values of 1"


    This cas is solved as i could manage to go back to 4.5.1 and make the modification for my customer.
    But i do have a serious problem, with another project.

    I’ve made some 8ball billards table, remember, for my customer “Toulet”,
    And the same customer wants now mini soccer tables to be also in Verge3D with AR.

    So i’ve started from a billard table, removed the objects, put the mini soccer table, and changed the puzzles for configurator choices : i DID NOT changed anything about AR puzzles…
    Billards are working (v4.5.1), soccer table are not, only in Android AR (iOS AR is fine).
    I don’t even get the “move around” on screen (same puzzle structure than your AR demo from 4.5).
    I’ve tried to upgrade into 4.6.0, but here even iOS does not work anymore (same error that swimming pools talked above).

    If you remind me where to send files, i can provide the full project.
    Best regards.

    "1+1=3... for large values of 1"


    Here is the error on iOS

    It says :
    The object need a newer version of iOS.

    Although my iOS is the very last one.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    "1+1=3... for large values of 1"


    The object need a newer version of iOS.

    this message is shown when .usdz contains no geometry. some problems with exporting.

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.


    Ok, good to know.
    but i export the scene, the whole scene.
    And i did not change anything but added 2 hide / show puzzles and got this error with 4.6, not 4.5.1

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by NaxosCG.

    "1+1=3... for large values of 1"


    but i export the scene, the whole scene.

    So what? You think it’s a garantee of correct exporting?

    Duplicate puzzles this way, check the size of exported .usdz on PC (a kind of debugging. don’t forget to make “Enter AR” visible). See the result and console log.

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.


    That was not my meaning, just to tell that i don’t export selected with a chace that the selection would be empty.

    I’ll test that tomorrow, many thanks !

    "1+1=3... for large values of 1"

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