Still new to this and concerned I may not have installed Verge 3D correctly.
Having installed Verge 3d via terminal, the Verge3d plugin appears in MAYA and seems to be functioning.
The App Manager on the other hand is causing a workaround. Not a critical error or issue that causes any known problems other than convenience. However, it leads me to believe the Verge3D plugin may not be installed correctly and other issues maybe present.
Computer: MacPro 2019, 16-core, 192GB, AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Dou 32 GB
OSX: 10.15.6, Chrome latest build Version 85.0.4183.102 (Official Build) (64-bit)
MAYA 2020(latest build) and Verge for MAYA 3.3.1.
Issue: Launching Maya from App Manager brings up an empty unassociated project.
Reproductive Steps:
1. Open Maya
2. Launch App Manager from Verge3D Menu within Maya
3. Select any project and click on Maya Model logo
4. Maya will OPEN a new instance of MAYA
5. New instance of MAYA will ask to delete the existing open Maya project
6. Existing project is empty – select YES
7. New project is loaded.
8. New project is “untitled” and is empty.
9. Two instances of MAYA running.
Workaround With New Projects and existing applications
1. Open Maya
2. Launch App Manager from Verge3D Menu within Maya
3. Create new Project – and name it.
4. Within Maya select Open go to verge3d / applications / projectname and open associated maya.mb file.