This it not strictly a feature request but more of a general suggestion.
Yuri and the team is doing a great job answering support questions here on the forums, but i keep thinking that something like a discord server would be a great addition, not even necessarily being officially run by the Soft8soft team, if someone knows how to/wants to run a server.
Discord is great for those times you got a quick question, or when you know you are going to have some quick follow up questions for whatever you want to ask.
I think this would strengthen the community, lower the initial on-boarding for new users, and maybe offload some of the support issues of the forums, leaving more time for the developers to do actual development.
The downside would ofcourse be that a discord server is not that searchable, and maybe there is not enough “daily” users for it to be useful yet.
I might be jumping the gun here, but I would love to here the teams and the community thoughts on this.