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AI creates puzzles Verge3D

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  • #79642

    AI analyzes .block files and creates puzzles Verge3D.

    replace cube color with fire shader

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet

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    Webgl Interactive Development https://t.me/AlternativeWebgl


    Interesting! So you used AI to create Puzzles plugins?

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Good day. This is the first experience when I used the .block file format for the backbone for AI.

    Usually, as we are used to, AI processes languages ​​and formats secondarily.
    I am just studying AI and its symbiosis with different libraries. As an assistant and as an observer.

    The backbone is a group of folders and files that the AI ​​“looks at/studies”.
    Then it “looks at/studies” Prompt (for now only words/sentences, possibly images/video/canvas – will be later)

    Based on all the information, solutions are proposed taking into account the packages inside the “backbone”.
    At this stage, it cannot calculate all the packages as necessary, human help is needed here.
    The person types the primary packages himself.

    I tried to explain, but since I came up with the terminology “on the fly” :mail: , I apologize for the text.

    Link to gitlab

    Webgl Interactive Development https://t.me/AlternativeWebgl


    We continue to introduce AI to Verge3D puzzles

    In this example, AI included vertex animation code inside puzzles.

    Separate GLB model (temporarily, we will decide how to apply it to GLTF Verge3d)

    Interaction with other puzzles and features:
    switching between models
    moving the GLB model
    changing color on hover


    RAG 1
    cube change to suzanne
    RAG 2
    apply vertex animation to glb file

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 4 weeks ago by solid.
    • This reply was modified 1 month, 4 weeks ago by solid.
    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Webgl Interactive Development https://t.me/AlternativeWebgl

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