I try to create an object template in Blender which then instances them in my scene.
The Object is a pump with predefined animation, materials, and custom properties.
I will use this pump around 50 times in my final Factory scene.
First, I tried to create an Asset Library and insert the pump into my scene but I noticed it only created a copy of the main object and if I changed anything in my original asset file it doesn’t affect the instances in my scene.
Then, I tried to create an asset library based on the collection. So I wrap my pump object inside a collection and then make it an Asset Library. This time it appears as an instance in the scene but in Verge3d I can’t access its data anymore. For Example change material.
So I wonder what it’s the best workflow for creating instances (object-oriented design) and using it in Verge 3d? May be Link insert object?
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