Verge3D 3.3 for Blender Released

Verge3D 3.3 for Blender Released

We are excited to present a new release of Verge3D for Blender, an artist-friendly toolkit for creating 3D web interactives. Version 3.3 significantly speeds up the loading and the overall performance of your apps, introduces a code-less way to export Verge3D scenes to glTF format, and implements dynamic canvas textures.…
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Verge3D 3.2 for Blender Released

Verge3D 3.2 for Blender Released

We are excited to present a new version of Verge3D for Blender! For this release, we upgraded real-time shadows, implemented 3 new shader nodes recently introduced in Blender, added and improved some puzzles such as for muting/unmuting videos and selecting the active camera, extended the functionality of the performance tools,…
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Verge3D 2.17 for Blender Released

Verge3D 2.17 for Blender Released

We are happy to finalize this year efforts by another release! The 2.17 update brings many Blender integration improvements including the possibility to create anisotropic materials, a Windows installer, range sliders for post-effects with real-time preview, CSS colors support in Puzzles, various WebXR/VR updates, and the QR code generator for…
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Verge3D 2.15 for Blender Released

Verge3D 2.15 for Blender Released

We are excited to present a new version of Verge3D, an artist-friendly toolkit for creating web interactives! With version 2.15, we further extend the integration with Blender by supporting the Filmic color management mode and Image Texture parameters. We made scenes more compact and load faster thanks to various optimizations,…
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Verge3D 2.13 for Blender Released

Verge3D 2.13 for Blender Released

We are glad to present Verge3D 2.13 for Blender. With this update we deliver lots of great features, including EEVEE-based shadows, screen-space reflection and refraction, matcaps, App Manager configuration settings, the possibility to add your own application templates, and many other features. New Shadows Blender 2.8 users can now enjoy…
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Verge3D 2.12 for Blender Released

Verge3D 2.12 for Blender Released

We are excited to announce the release of version 2.12 of Verge3D for Blender. For this update we reworked several example applications, added many new puzzles, implemented supersample and multisample anti-aliasing, wrapped the powerful Tween.js library for creating fancy procedural animations, enabled WebGL 2.0, added new features for virtual reality…
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