Time Puzzles

These puzzles count time and trigger time-based events.

Time visual programming blocks


Puzzles Reference


Waits for a specified amount of time and then triggers puzzles placed inside the "do" slot.

Timeout visual programming block


Waits for a specified amount of time and then triggers puzzles placed inside the "do" slot. Then repeats.

Visual programming block to create interval timers

every frame

Triggers puzzles placed inside the "do" slot every rendering frame (normally at the rate of 60 frames per second).

Render callback block

elapsed delta

Outputs the amount of time (in seconds) passed from the previous rendering frame. Can be used with the "every frame" puzzle to implement frame-independent animation.

Time delta visual logic block

elapsed total

Outputs the amount of time (in seconds) passed from the application start. Can be used with the "every frame" puzzle to implement procedural animation and various visual effects.

Visual programming block which returns time passed from app start

set timer

Triggers puzzles placed inside the "do" slot after the specified delay. Repeats this action the amount times specified in the "repeat" slot each after the same delay. The specified ID can be used to override or cancel the timer.

Set timer visual programming block

remove timer

Removes a previosly set timer by using its ID.

Remove timer visual programming block

system date / time

Returns system date and time. Enable the GMT checkbox in order to get time of the UTC/GMT zone instead of the local time zone.

Visual programming block to retrieve system date and time

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