Post-processing Puzzles
These puzzles are used to setup various post-processing effects.

For usage example, check out the Postprocessing demo (source files available in the Asset Store).
Post-processing puzzles does not yet supported inside AR/VR sessions.
Live Preview
The post-processing puzzles support the live preview feature. With live preview enabled, you can tweak the post-processing effects and get the result in the Puzzles viewport without the need to run or save/reload your puzzles.
Live preview feature is enabled by default and supported when there are no inputs connected to your puzzle:

Puzzles Reference
Enable or change parameters of the afterimage (motion blur) effect.

- level — image smearing factor.
Enable or change parameters of the bloom effect.

- threshold — minimum lighting intensity to render the bloom effect.
- strength — bloom strength.
- radius — bloom blur radius.
Allows for tweaking brightness and contrast of the rendering.

- brightness — image brightness factor.
- contrast — image contrast factor.
depth of field
Enable or change parameters of the depth of field (DOF) effect.

- focus — DOF focus distance.
- aperture — camera aperture factor.
- maxblur — DOF blur radius.
- depth leak threshold — threshold to eliminate DOF distance artifacts.
Enables the grayscale effect.

simple refraction
Enables an easy refraction effect for a specified material.

- material — material used to assign the effect to.
- distance — maximum length of the refracted ray.
- render after refraction — object(s) to be excluded from the normal rendering queue and to be rendered after the refraction effect is applied.
screen space reflection/refraction
Enables screen space reflection/refraction (SSR) effect.

- for material — material used to assign the effect to.
- steps — number of depth search steps along the reflected/refracted ray (higher value = better quality, lower performance).
- stride — stride of search steps (in pixels) (higher value = lower quality, better performance, 1 pixel = max quality).
- binary search steps — number of binary search iterations (higher value = better quality, lower performance).
- thickness — factor to eliminate SSR artifacts (refraction only).
- max distance — maximum length of the reflected/refracted ray.
- resolution — resolution multiplier for the depth buffer (from 0 to 1; 1 = best quality).
- jitter — noise factor to improve depth search (from 0 to 1).
- render after — objects to be rendered after SSR applied.

remove post-effects
Removes post-processing effects. The puzzles mode removes all effects except outline and ambient occlusion, which is assigned in the modelling suite.

Having Troubles with Puzzles?
Seek help on the forums!