Post-processing Puzzles

These puzzles are used to setup various post-processing effects.

Post-processing visual programming blocks

For usage example, check out the Postprocessing demo (source files available in the Asset Store).

Post-processing puzzles does not yet supported inside AR/VR sessions.


Live Preview

The post-processing puzzles support the live preview feature. With live preview enabled, you can tweak the post-processing effects and get the result in the Puzzles viewport without the need to run or save/reload your puzzles.

Live preview feature is enabled by default and supported when there are no inputs connected to your puzzle:

Post-processing live preview in visual programming editor

Puzzles Reference


Enable or change parameters of the afterimage (motion blur) effect.

Visual programming block to setup afterimage effect



Enable or change parameters of the bloom effect.

Visual programming block to setup bloom effect



Allows for tweaking brightness and contrast of the rendering.

Visual programming block to modify brightness or contrast


depth of field

Enable or change parameters of the depth of field (DOF) effect.

Visual programming block to setup DOF effect



Enables the grayscale effect.

Visual logic block to render 3D in grayscale

simple refraction

Enables an easy refraction effect for a specified material.

Visual logic block to render simple refraction


screen space reflection/refraction

Enables screen space reflection/refraction (SSR) effect.

Visual programming block to setup SSR effect


SSR example script

remove post-effects

Removes post-processing effects. The puzzles mode removes all effects except outline and ambient occlusion, which is assigned in the modelling suite.

Visual programming block to remove post-processing

Having Troubles with Puzzles?

Seek help on the forums!