Animation System
Within the Verge3D animation system you can animate various properties of your models: the bones of a skinned and rigged model, morph targets, different material properties (colors, opacity, booleans), visibility and transforms. The animated properties can be faded in, faded out, crossfaded and warped. The weight and time scales of different simultaneous animations on the same object as well as on different objects can be changed independently. Various animations on the same and on different objects can be synchronized.
This page gives a short overview of the main components of the system and how they work together.
Animation Clips
If you have successfully imported an animated 3D object — e.g. by exporting it from Blender, 3ds Max, or Maya and loading it into Verge3D with GLTFLoader — one of the response fields should be an array named "animations", containing the AnimationClips for this asset.
Each AnimationClip usually holds the data for a certain activity of the object. If the mesh is a character, for example, there may be an AnimationClip for walking. If the mesh is a configurable object, there will be a clip for the gradual material animation.
Verge3D does not support multiple animation of the same type for the same objects. For example, if a character has walking, idling and running animations, all of these need to be located on the same timeline.
Keyframe Tracks
Inside of such an AnimationClip the data for each animated property are stored in a separate KeyframeTrack. Assuming a character object has a skeleton, one keyframe track could store the data for the position changes of the lower arm bone over time, a different track the data for the rotation changes of the same bone, a third the track position, rotation or scaling of another bone, and so on. It should be clear, that an AnimationClip can be composed of lots of such tracks.
Assuming the model has morph targets (for example one morph target showing a friendly face and another showing an angry face), each track holds the information as to how the influence of a certain morph target changes during the performance of the clip.
Animation Mixer
The stored data forms only the basis for the animations — actual playback is controlled by the AnimationMixer. You can imagine this not only as a player for animations, but as a simulation of a hardware like a real mixer console, which can control several animations simultaneously, blending and merging them.
Animation Actions
The AnimationMixer itself has only very few (general) properties and methods, because it can be controlled by the AnimationActions. By configuring an AnimationAction you can determine when a certain AnimationClip shall be played, paused or stopped on one of the mixers, if and how often the clip has to be repeated, whether it shall be performed with a fade or a time scaling, and some additional things, such crossfading or synchronizing.
Animation Object Groups
If you want a group of objects to receive a shared animation state, you can use an AnimationObjectGroup.
let mesh;
// create an AnimationMixer, and get the list of AnimationClip instances
const mixer = new v3d.AnimationMixer(mesh);
const clips = mesh.animations;
// update the mixer on each frame
function update() {
// play a specific animation
const clip = v3d.AnimationClip.findByName(clips, 'dance');
const action = mixer.clipAction(clip);;
// play all animations
clips.forEach(function(clip) {
Verge3D implements a few animation puzzles which hide complexity of the animation system. These puzzles use a simple concept of "animation entities" which can be selected from the list, or referred by name. By adding visual blocks one can play/pause/stop/clone/split/hook these entities without coding.