Materials, Textures, and Utility Nodes / Maya
This section references all materials, textures and utility nodes supported in Verge3D for Maya.
- Surface Shaders
- 2D Textures
- Environment Textures
- Other Textures
- Utility Nodes
- LookdevKit Utility Nodes
- Arnold Nodes
- aiStandardSurface
- aiAbs
- aiAdd
- aiAtan
- aiCheckerboard
- aiCompare
- aiComlement
- aiCross
- aiDivide
- aiDot
- aiExp
- aiFacingRatio
- aiFlat
- aiFraction
- aiIsFinite
- aiLength
- aiLog
- aiMatrixTransform
- aiMax
- aiMin
- aiMixShader
- aiModulo
- aiMultiply
- aiNegate
- aiNormalize
- aiNormalMap
- aiOslShader
- aiPow
- aiRaySwitch
- aiReciprocal
- aiShadowMatte
- aiSign
- aiSkyDomeLight
- aiSqrt
- aiSubtract
- aiTrigo
- aiTriplanar
- aiTwoSided
- aiUvProjection
- Performance Considerations
Surface Shaders
Standard Surface
This shader can represent many real-world materials (such as metals, plastics, glass, wood, textile etc) by using physically-based shading model.

The following Standard Surface settings are supported in Verge3D:
Base Panel
- Weight or (Base input in Hypershade)
- Color or (Base Color input in Hypershade)
- Metalness
Specular Panel
- Weight (Specular input in Hypershade)
- Color (Specular Color input in Hypershade)
- Roughness (Specular Roughness input in Hypershade)
- IOR (Specular IOR input in Hypershade)
Transmission Panel
- Weight (Transmission input in Hypershade)
- Color (Transmission Color input in Hypershade)
Coat Panel
- Weight (Coat input in Hypershade)
- Roughness (Coat Roughness input in Hypershade)
- Normal (Coat Normal input in Hypershade)
Sheen Panel
- Weight (Sheen input in Hypershade)
- Color (Sheen Color input in Hypershade)
- Roughness (Sheen Roughness input in Hypershade)
Emission Panel
- Weight (Emission input in Hypershade)
- Color (Emission Color input in Hypershade)
Geometry Panel
- Thin Walled
- Opacity
- Bump Mapping (Normal Camera input in Hypershade)
Additional Verge3D Settings
You can tweak your Standard Surface materials by using the following settings located on Verge3D panel:

- Alpha Mode
- Select transparency mode: Auto, Opaque, Blend, Mask, Coverage, or Add. See transparency guide for more info.
- Two Sided
- Make your material two-sided. By default, Verge3D renders only front side of materials, enable this option to render their reverse side as well.
- Depth Write
- Render material depth in depth buffer. Disable this option for transparent materials to make them rendered in additive manner.
- Depth Test
- Perform depth test calculations when rendering your material. Disabling depth test is useful when rendering objects inside semi-transparent objects to prevent them from being culled by the covering objects.
- Dithering
- Reduce banding artifacts by using pixel dithering.
- glTF 2.0 Compatible
- Force the material to be glTF 2.0 compatible. See the following guide for more information.
Basic yet highly efficient node which can be used to represent materials with no specular reflections.

The following Lambert settings are supported in Verge3D:
- Color
- Transparency
- Diffuse
- Bump/Normal Mapping
Verge3D settings are also supported, see above for more info.
Blinn, Phong, Phong E
In Verge3D, these materials will be approximated by the PBR shading model, thus they might look differently compared to Maya Viewport.

Surface Shader
Use this shader node to create fully-customizable materials. Basically, it just transfers Out Color parameter to the renderer as is.

2D Textures
Create bulge pattern. Read more here.
Create checkerboard pattern. Read more here.
Create cloth pattern. Read more here.
Read texture from file. See more info here.

Create grid pattern. Read more here.
Create 2D noise pattern. Perlin Noise type is the only supported.
Procedural gradient texture. Read more here.
Environment Textures
Env Sphere
Map input texture image by using equirectangular projection. This node is useful to simulate metallic surfaces without having to use complex (and compute-intensive) physically-based shading algorithms. For example, you can connect it to the Surface Shader node:

Other Textures
Layered Texture
Used to create multi-layered textures. Read more here.
Utility Nodes
Add Double Linear
Calculate the sum of two input values. Since double-precision values are not supported in WebGL, this node works exactly like Add operation in the Float Math node.
Add Matrix
Calculate sum of input matrices.
Blend Colors
Blend Color 1 and Color 2 using the Blender factor.
Bump 2d
This node is used to apply bump and normal maps to low-poly geometry to increase its detalization.

Verge3D supports only Bump and Tangent Space Normals maps (set by Use As parameter). Read more about bump and normal mapping in Maya here.
Clamp Input between Min and Max.
Compose Matrix
This node composes a 4x4 matrix from the given translation, rotation, and scale components. Shear input is not supported.
Compare First Term with Second Term and select Color If True or Color If False based on the result of comparison. Read more here.
Decompose Matrix
Decompose input matrix to components. Read more here.
Four By Four Matrix
This node is used to compose a 4x4 matrix from 16 float values.
Gamma Correct
Perform gamma correction in input value:
Inverse Matrix
Inverts the given 4x4 matrix.
Convert input color to grayscale value. The conversion formula is:
Multiply Divide
Perform Multiply, Divide, or Power operation on input values.
Mult Double Linear
Multiply two input values. Since double-precision values are not supported in WebGL, this node works exactly like Multiply operation in the Multiply Divide node.
Mult Matrix
Multiply two or more matrices. In Verge3D, you can multiply no more than 3 matrices using the single Mult Matrix node.
2d Placement
Output 2D texture coordinates (UV). Read more here.
Reverse vector or color:
Sampler Info
Output info about rendered pixel. Read more here.
Set Range
Remap input Value. Read more here.
Transpose Matrix
Transpose the given 4x4 matrix.
Unit Conversion
Convert units of the input value. Read more here.
Vector Product
Calculate Dot Product, Cross Product, Vector Matrix Product, or Point Matrix Product from the input vectors. Read more here.
Weighted Add Matrix
Calculate a weighted sum of the input matrices. Read more here.
LookdevKit Utility Nodes
Make sure you have LookdevKit plug-in enabled before using any of these nodes.

Remap channels in the input color (and alpha). Read more here.
Color Composite
Perform various composite operations on input colors (and alphas): Add, Subtract, Mix, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Difference, Dodge, Burn. For more explanations please refer to the Maya's docs.
Color Condition
Check whether the input Condition is true or false, and pass corresponding Color/Alpha value as output. Read here for more info.
Color Constant
Output specified Color and Alpha values.
Color Logic
Perform math operation on input colors and set the Out Bool value in accordance.
Color Mask
Apply color mask to input color/alpha. Read more about this node here.
Color Math
Perform math operation on input colors/alphas: add, subtract, multiply, divide, min, max.
Float Composite
Perform various composite operations on input values: Add, Subtract, Mix, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Difference, Dodge, Burn. For more explanations please refer to the Maya's docs.
Float Condition
Check whether the input Condition is true or false, and pass corresponding value as output. Read here for more info.
Float Constant
Output specified float value.
Float Logic
Perform math operation on input values and set the Out Bool value in accordance.
Float Mask
Apply mask to input value. Read more here.
Float Math
Perform math operation on input values: add, subtract, multiply, divide, min, max, or power.
Premultiply RGB color channels by alpha.
Unpremultiply (divide) RGB color channels by alpha.
Arnold Nodes
This shader comes with Arnold for Maya (MtoA) and is very similar to Standard Surface shader.
Since Standard Surface is better supported in Maya viewport and does not require Arnold plug-in to be installed, we recommend using it over aiStandardSurface. The only reason to stick with Arnold version is preserving compatibility with your existing scenes.

Calculate absolute value of the input color/vector.
Calculate sum of the colors/vectors.
Calculate 2-argument arctangent of input vectors. See more here.
Create checkerboard pattern. Verge3D supports all aiCheckerboard properties except Filter Strength and Filter Offset.
Compare input values. See more here.
Complement input color. This node works similarly to the reverse node.
Calculate cross product from input vectors.
Divide Input 1 by Input 2.
Calculate dot product from input vectors.
Calculate natural exponentiation of the Input color.
Calculate facing ratio of the rendered pixel, e.g a dot product between the shading normal and the camera direction. Bias, Gain, Linear, and Invert params are not supported.
Basic shader which works similarly to Surface Shader. It passes input Color value to Out Color as is.
Calculate input's fractional part, for example:
Check if the input value is finite, i.e. is not a floating point infinity.
Calculate input vector length.
Calculate a logarithm of the Input value in the base of the Base value.
Apply transformations to texture coordinates using a transformation matrix. This is especially useful for adjusting the position, rotation, and scale of textures without changing the underlying geometry.

Calculate the maximum of the two input values.
Calculate the minimum of the two input values.
Mix the two input shaders using the Mix Weight value. For this node both blend and add mix modes are supported. Add Transparency checker is not supported.
Compute Input value modulo Divisor value.
Multiply two inputs.
Negate input value.
Normalize input vector.
Modify input Normal according to normal map passed as Input parameter and Tangent vector. See more info on how to use this node here.
Node to create custom OSL shaders.
Calculate Base value raised to the power of the Exponent value.
When used in combination with aiSkyDomeLight, this node splits rendering of the camera background and environment lighting. Node tree connected to the Camera input will be used for background while Diffuse Reflection will be used for environment.

This node setup is supported neither in Maya viewport nor in the Arnold renderer. Preview your scene in Verge3D to see how it works.
Calculate reciprocal value of the Input value:
In Verge3D this node is used to cut out 3D objects as well as to apply colored semi-transparent shadows over the scene background.

Calculate sign of the Input value.
Used to create image-based environment lighting. See the Lighting and Rendering section for more info.
Calculate square root of the input value.
Subtract Input 2 from Input 1.
Calculate trigonometric function of the Input value.
Texture mapping by simultaneous projection along three different axes.

Node's texture inputs accept only aiImage node.
Render Front input on the front side and Back on the back side of the geometry.

Control the placement of textures on 3D models using multiple projection types such as planar, spherical, cylindrical, cubic, etc.

Node's texture inputs accept only aiImage node.
Performance Considerations
Being the only choice for creating nice and realistic renders, Standard Surface (or aiStandardSurface) nevertheless require more computing power from your GPU and slows down app loading. This is especially true for scenes with lots of such materials.
To improve performance you can tweak Texture Resolution or IBL Environment Mode property.
Got Questions?
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