Morphing / 3ds Max
Morphing is a feature which allows you to modify mesh objects in real-time. The most common use case for this feature is facial animation. Morphing also suits well to creating parametric objects which can interactively change their dimensions, shape, thickness, holes, profiles etc.
Setting Up
In 3ds Max, add a Morpher modifier, and setup the channels for morph targets.

Note, the morph channel, which doesn't contain target object, won't be exported:

Animating Morph Targets
Verge3D supports keyframe animation of morph channel weights. Check out the Animation section for more details.
Controlling via Puzzles
To manipulate your morph targets in real-time there are two puzzles: get morph factor and set morph factor. See the demo called Parametric Models for more details.
Got Questions?
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