Animation Constraints / 3ds Max
This page contains the information about 3ds Max' animation constraints which can be used with Verge3D.
Constraints and Settings
Below are are listed 3ds Max' animation constraints that can be used with Verge3D. The parameters supported by Verge3D are overlaid with green color.
This constraint forces the object to which it is applied to have the same location as its target.

See more information on the Position constraint on Autodesk website: help page.
This constraint forces the object to which it is applied to match the rotation of its target.

See more information on the Orientation constraint on Autodesk website: help page.
This constraint applies rotations to its owner, so that it always is looking towards its target. Thus you can implement billboarding with this constraint.

See more information on the LookAt constraint on Autodesk website: help page.
This constraint restricts an object's movement along a path (curve, shape).

See more information on the Path constraint on Autodesk website: help page.
Smoothness option has not supported, so when using Bank always set Smoothness to 0.01.
Use with Puzzles
All constraints, once assigned in 3ds Max and exported, can be removed, muted or ummuted with a puzzle. Unlike in 3ds Max, a removed/muted constraint does not reset the object - this puzzle just leaves the object with the same transform it had just before removing or muting.
In addition, Position and Orientation constraints can be assigned at runtime with a puzzle.
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