Content Creation |
Verge3D for Blender |
Verge3D for 3ds Max |
Verge3D for Maya |
Blender 3.4-4.4 |
Autodesk 3ds Max 2023-2026 |
Autodesk Maya 2023-2026 |
In addition, you can use any modelling suite supporting export to glTF 2.0 format.
Material System |
Verge3D for Blender |
Verge3D for 3ds Max |
Verge3D for Maya |
Lighting |
Verge3D for Blender |
Verge3D for 3ds Max |
Verge3D for Maya |
- Point
- Sun
- Spot
- Area (Square and Rectangle)
Image-based lighting via World shader nodes.
Reflection Cubemap Light Probes.
Reflection Plane Light Probes.
Photometric Lights (Point and Rectangle):
Standard Lights:
- Target Spot
- Free Spot
- Target Direct
- Free Direct
- Omni
Image-based lighting via Environment Maps.
Reflection Cubemap Light Probes.
Reflection Plane Light Probes.
- Ambient
- Directional
- Point
- Spot
- Area
- Arnold's aiAreaLight
Image-based lighting via aiSkyDomeLight and shading nodes.
Reflection Cubemap Light Probes.
Reflection Plane Light Probes.
Shadows |
Verge3D supports casting shadows from directional, point, spot, and area light sources:
- Basic non-smoothed (pixelated) shadows.
- Shadows with bilinear filtering.
- PCF shadows (with Poisson disk sampling).
- ESM shadows.
App Management |
App Manager is a lightweight tool capable of:
- Creating new applications based on provided templates.
- Running applications and 3D modelling suites (Blender, 3ds Max, Maya).
- Customizing app look and metadata.
- Creating installable progressive web apps (PWA).
- Editing and running Puzzles logic.
- Updating apps to new Verge3D versions.
- Publising applications on Verge3D Network.
- Exporting/importing apps to/from ZIP arhives.
- Managing licensing keys.
- Accessing Verge3D documentation and support channels.
App Manager can be easily accessed right from Blender, 3ds Max, or Maya. Alternatively, you can run it via desktop launcher (Windows only) or command line.
Animation |
Verge3D for Blender |
Verge3D for 3ds Max |
Verge3D for Maya |
- Skeletal armature-based animation.
- Object transform animation, including position, rotation and scale.
- RGB/Value nodes animation.
- Shape keys (morphing) animation.
- Advanced procedural animation based on the animate param puzzle.
- Animation constraints: Copy Location, Copy Rotation, Copy Scale, Copy Transforms, Limit Distance, Limit Location, Limit Rotation, Limit Scale, Damped Track, Locked Track, Track To, Floor.
- Skeletal armature-based animation.
- Object transform animation, including position, rotation and scale.
- Material controller animation. Supported float and color parameters.
- Morphing animation.
- Advanced procedural animation based on the animate param puzzle.
- Animation constraints: Position, LookAt, Orientation.
- Skeletal armature-based animation.
- Object transform animation, including position, rotation and scale.
- Material params animation.
- Blend shapes (morphing) animation.
- Advanced procedural animation based on the animate param puzzle.
- Animation constraints: Parent, Point, Orient, Scale, Aim.
Visual Scripting |
Verge3D Puzzles is a visual logic environment which allows for quick creation of interactive scenarios in a drag-and-drop fashion. It features blocks for:
- Handing user events, such as mouse clicks/touches, hovering and dragging.
- Retrieving scene objects, animations, groups and materials.
- Moving/rotating/scaling 3D objects, getting distance between objects.
- Showing/hiding objects.
- Changing objects' hierarchy.
- Adding 2D textual annotations (billboards) to the scene.
- Changing material parameters, loading textures.
- Controlling animations.
- Moving, rotating cameras. Setting the active camera.
- Controlling parameters of light sources and environment lighting.
- Performing constructive solid geometry (CSG) operations.
- Loading and exporting assets in runtime.
- Uploading/downloading data over network in JSON/CSV/Text format.
- Loading user images.
- Implementing Undo/Redo feature.
- Composing and sending customer orders.
- Detecting user capabilities such as browser, OS etc.
- Executing timer-based events.
- Initializing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality sessions.
- Managing HTML/CSS layouts of the loaded page.
- Playing sounds and videos, synthesizing music instruments in runtime.
- Simulating physics environments.
- Enabling post-processing effects and fog.
- Managing app logic and data.
- Doing math.
- Enabling wireframe rendering.
- Running custom JavaScript code.
- Interacting with e-commerce systems, or payment providers (WooCommerce, WordPress, PayPal, etc..).
- Interacting with SCORM-compliant e-learning management system.
In addition to that, you can create you own blocks using plug-ins.
Programming |
Application functionality can be added via JavaScript by modifying application sources or by integrating code in Puzzles.
Verge3D has an API partially compatible with the Three.js library. Therefore, it is possible to reuse existing Three.js code with minimal modifications.
App Publishing |
You can distribute your content using:
- You own server.
- Any web hosting service (GoDaddy, DigitalOcean, Amazon AWS etc).
- Verge3D Network.
- SCORM-compliant learning-management systems (LMS) such as Moodle, Chamilo, SCORM Cloud, CANVAS, iSpring, etc.
- Google Play or App Store by wrapping your Verge3D app to a mobile app.
- As stand-alone desktop application created with Electron framework.
UI and HTML Layout |
You have multiple options to create UI for your apps:
- 3D models as UI elements.
- HTML Puzzles.
- WYSIWYG editors (aka website builders), such as Webflow
- Custom HTML/CSS code.
Server-Side Features and Networking |
Verge3D comes with a plug-in for WordPress, the most popular content management system (CMS) in use. The plug-in includes the following features:
- Application hosting and publishing (embedding).
- Persistent file storage.
- WooCommerce integration.
- Fully customizable e-commerce system for processing customer orders.
In addition to that, the Puzzles visual logic editor supports blocks for sending/retrieving data over network in JSON, CSV or plain text format.
Post-processing effects |
The following effects can be enabled and exported from within
supported 3D editing software:
Also, these effects can be enabled with Puzzles:
- Afterimage
- Bloom
- Brightness/Contrast
- Depth of Field
- Grayscale
- Outline
- Screen Space Reflection and Refraction (SSR)
- Supersampling Anti-Aliasing (SSAA)
E-Commerce |
Verge3D includes the following basic e-commerce features:
- PayPal payments (via Puzzles).
- WooCommerce integration.
As well as advanced e-commerce system which works on top of WordPress CMS. The system allows:
- Receiving orders via customizable order forms or REST API.
- Fully-configurable products with unlimited variations.
- Email notifications about new orders, updated orders, completed orders.
- Calculating prices.
- Generating quotes and invoices, sending these documents via email.
- Product downloads.
- PayPal payments.
- Custom form submissions.
You also have 300+ puzzles which you can use to implement interactive 3D shops, configurators, presentations, or promotional content, such as games.
Regardless of system you choose, Verge3D allows you to design your own 3D shopping experience (with optional AR/VR mode), or stick to basic 3D model views, supplemented by HTML layouts provided by third-party e-commerce systems (such as WooCommerce).
E-Learning |
Verge3D includes the following e-learning features:
- Generator for SCORM 1.2 courses, which work in any compatible learning-management system, such as Moodle, Chamilo, SCORM Cloud, CANVAS, iSpring.
- SCORM 1.2 puzzles.
- 300+ puzzles to implement interactive learning experiences.
- Support for ChromeOS devices for both creating and running 3D content.
Virtual Reality |
The following VR devices are known to work:
In general, any device which supports WebXR technology should be compatible with Verge3D.
Augmented Reality |
Supported on Chrome for Android (requires a mobile device capable of running ARCore aka Google Play Services for AR) and Mozilla's WebXR Viewer on iOS.
Also, you can run simplified AR mode in the default Safari browser on iOS/iPadOS by using USDZ format.
Shaders |
Custom shaders can be added using OpenGL ES Shading Language 2.0 (WebGL 1.0) or 3.0 (WebGL 2.0).
There is also support for procedural textures designed with Open Shading Language (OSL).
Physics |
The physics module enables for collision detection, dynamically moving objects, support for characters and vehicles, springs, ropes and cloth simulation. Physics simulations can be processed via Puzzles or JavaScript.
Audio |
Verge3D includes the following audio subsystems (controlled via Puzzles or JavaScript):
- Efficient HTML5-based audio for playing lengthy background music.
- WebAudio-based audio for playing short audio samples with low latency.
- Basic synthesizer, capable of playing 100+ music instruments, drums, and MIDI files.
In addition, you can program other complex audio effects using JavaScript API.
Video |
Video textures can be assigned and played with video puzzles or JavaScript.
Material Libraries |
Verge3D for Blender |
Verge3D for 3ds Max |
Verge3D for Maya |
- Blender Essential Pack
- Blender Machinery Pack
- Blender Jewelry Pack
See here on how to use these packs.
- 3ds Max Essential Pack
- 3ds Max Machinery Pack
See here on how to use these packs.
- Maya Essential Pack
- Maya Machinery Pack
See here on how to use these packs.
Demos and Examples |
The following demos are freely available from the Verge3D Asset Store:
- Arcade Racing — racing demo with advanced physics simulations.
- Augmented Reality — basic AR demo.
- Clipping Planes — shows how clipping planes (aka cross-sections or plane sections) can be used for engineering and scientific purposes.
- Custom Image — a virtual picture frame which allows uploading, storing and sharing your images.
- E-Learning — SCORM-compatible e-learning app which can also be run in the standalone mode.
- Farmer's Journey — arcade browser game made without coding.
- Firstperson Camera — first-person real estate visualization.
- Global Illumination — an interior demo with advanced lighting effects (such as dynamic cubemap probes and area lights).
- GLTF Compat — a demo featuring glTF 2.0 compatible materials.
- Industrial Robot VR — interactive robot simulator with AR and VR capabilities.
- Jewelry Configurator — advanced jewelry customizer for e-commerce.
- Load Unload — example on how to use dynamic asset loading.
- Parametric Models — 3D configurator featuring parametric modelling tools.
- Recliner — 3D configurator and ready-to-use e-commerce website.
- Ring — simple 3D jewelry customizer with online ordering capabilities.
- Scooter — advanced 3D configurator with realistic PBR materials and millions possible combinations.
- Scroll Animation — demo featuring modern scrollable website with customizable 3D model.
- Simple Configurator — basic tutorial demo for e-commerce.
- Spinner — basic product presentation with customized materials and animation.
- Swiss Army Knife — advanced tutorial demo for e-commerce.
- Teapot Heater — non-trivial interactive 3D animation made with Puzzles.
- Video Texture — video texture usage example.
- Virtual Reality — basic VR demo.
Import Formats |
glTF 2.0 with or without custom Verge3D extensions.
- GIF — Graphics Interchange Format.
- HDR — RGBE or Radiance HDR.
- KTX2 — compressed texture format developed by Khronos.
- PNG — portable graphics format.
- WebP — format developed by Google intended as a replacement for JPEG, PNG, and GIF file formats.
Export Formats |
glTF 2.0 and USDZ (with Puzzles).
Camera Controls |
These camera control modes are available out-of-the-box:
- Orbit Controls — targeted 3D view.
- Flying Controls — free-flight view.
- First-Person Controls (with optional collision mesh).
- Virtual Reality Controls (with optional collision mesh).
3D Primitives |
You can load geometry exported from any modelling suite. In addition to that, the following 3D primitives can be created with Puzzles:
- Box
- Capsule
- Circle
- Cone
- Cylinder
- Icosahedron
- Plane
- Ring
- Sphere
- Textured Plane
- Torus
- Utah Teapot
System Requirements |
Verge3D applications can be launched on any system capable of running a modern web browser. See the actual list of these browsers on this page.
Development System Requirements |
Verge3D for Blender |
Verge3D for 3ds Max |
Verge3D for Maya |
Any system that meets Blender system requirements.
Any system that meets 3ds Max system requirements.
Any system that meets Maya system requirements.