Object Constraints / Blender

This page contains the information about Blender's object constraints which can be used with Verge3D.

Constraints and Settings

Below are are listed Blender object constraints that can be used with Verge3D. The parameters supported by Verge3D are overlaid with green color.

Copy Location

This constraint forces the object to which it is applied to have the same location as its target.

Blender Copy Location constraint

Copy Rotation

This constraint forces the object to which it is applied to match the rotation of its target.

Blender Copy Rotation constraint

Copy Scale

This constraint forces the object to which it is applied to match the scale of its target.

Blender Copy Scale constraint

Copy Transforms

This constraint forces the object to which it is applied to have the same transforms as its target.

Blender Copy Transforms constraint

Limit Distance

This constraint forces its owner to stay either further from, nearer to, or exactly at a given distance from its target.

Blender Limit Distance constraint

Limit Location

This constraint restricts the amount of allowed translations along each axis, through lower and upper bounds.

Blender Limit Location constraint

Limit Rotation

This constraint restricts the amount of allowed rotations around each axis, through lower and upper bounds.

Blender Limit Rotation constraint

Limit Scale

This constraint restricts the amount of allowed scalings along each axis, through lower and upper bounds.

Blender Limit Scale constraint


This constraint allows to connect one type of transform property (location, rotation, or scale) of the target object to the same or a different type of transform property in the owner object.

Blender Transformation constraint

Damped Track

This constraint constrains one local axis of the owner to always point towards Target. This constraint uses a pure Swing rotation, i.e. the shortest possible single axis rotation. In other 3D software you can find it with the name “Look at” constraint.

Blender Damped Track constraint

Track To

This constraint applies rotations to its owner, so that it always points a given To axis towards its target, with another Up axis permanently maintained as much aligned with the global Z axis as possible. Thus you can implement billboarding with this constraint.

Blender Track To constraint

Locked Track

This constraint works similar to Track To constraint, but with a locked axis.

Blender Locked Track constraint

Child Of

This is the constraint version of the standard parent/children relationship between objects.

Blender Child Of constraint


This constraint allows you to use its target as a plane where the owner cannot go.

Blender Floor constraint

Follow Path

This constraint allows you to move an object along the curve.

Blender Follow Path constraint

Animate Path button is not supported, instead directly animate curve by keyframes.

Use with Puzzles

All constraints, once assigned in Blender and exported, can be removed, muted or ummuted with a puzzle. Unlike in Blender, a removed/muted constraint does not reset the object - this puzzle just leaves the object with the same transform it had just before removing or muting.

In addition, Limit/Copy Location/Rotation/Scale constraints can be assigned at runtime with puzzles.

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