

Scenes allow you to set up what and where is to be rendered by Verge3D. This is where you place objects, lights, and cameras.



Create a new scene object.


.background : Object

Defines the background of the scene. Default is null. Valid inputs are:

Any camera related configurations like zoom or view are ignored.

.backgroundBlurriness : Float

Sets the blurriness of the background. Only influences environment maps assigned to Scene.background. Valid input is a float between 0 and 1. Default is 0.

.backgroundIntensity : Float

Attenuates the color of the background. Only applies to background textures. Default is 1.

.backgroundToneMapped : Boolean

Whether background rendered with tone mapping or not. Default is true.

.environment : Texture

Sets the environment map for all physical materials in the scene. However, it's not possible to overwrite an existing texture assigned to MeshStandardMaterial.envMap. Default is null.

.fog : Fog

A fog instance defining the type of fog that affects everything rendered in the scene. Default is null.

.isScene : Boolean

Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Scene.

.overrideMaterial : Material

Forces everything in the scene to be rendered with the defined material. Default is null.

.postprocessing : Array

Array with post-processing passes used to render the scene. This array is used as temporary storage by the GLTFLoader.

.worldEnvMapProbe : CubeReflectionProbe

An instance of a reflection light probe that adds environment IBL to all scene objects.

.worldMaterial : Material

The material used to generate world environment.


For more info on how to obtain the source code of this module see this page.