
First person controls allow the camera to move on the scene like a character in the first-person view mode.


FirstPersonControls(object : Camera, domElement : HTMLElement)

The camera to be controlled (required).
The HTML element used for event listeners (optional). By default this is the whole document, however if you only want to the controls to work over a specific element (e.g. the canvas) you can specify that here.


.collisionMeshes : Array

Array of collision objects used to constraint the movements of the camera.

.domElement : HTMLElement

The HTMLElement used to listen for mouse / touch events. This must be passed in the constructor; changing it here will not set up new event listeners. Default is the whole document.

.enabled : Boolean

Whether or not the controls are enabled.

.enableCollisions : Boolean

Whether or not the camera collisions are enabled.

.enableDamping : Boolean

Whether to enable damping (inertia), which is used to give a sense of weight to the controls. Default is true.

Note that if this is enabled, you must call .update() in your animation loop.

.enableKeys : Boolean

Enable or disable the use of keyboard controls. Default is true.

.enablePan : Boolean

Enable or disable camera panning. Default is true.

.enablePointerLock : Boolean

Enable the pointer lock feature to capture the mouse pointer upon app start. The user should click somewhere on the screen to lock up the cursor and move in 3D space without the need to click/drag with the mouse buttons. Default is false.

.enableRotate : Boolean

Enable or disable horizontal and vertical rotation of the camera. Default is true.

Note that it is possible to disable a single axis by setting the min and max of the polar angle or azimuth angle to the same value, which will cause the vertical or horizontal rotation to be fixed at that value.

.enableZoom : Boolean

Enable or disable zooming (dollying) of the camera. Default is true.

.gazeLevel : Float

Camera "gaze" (or "head"/"eyes") level. Default is 1.8.

.inTween : Boolean

Flag which says whether the camera is currently in the state of tweening.

.object : Camera

The camera (or other object) that is being controlled.

.panInertia : Float

The panning damping inertia used if .enableDamping is set to true. Note that for this to work, you must call .update() in your animation loop. Default is 0.05.

.panSpeedKey : Float

Speed of panning (pixels moved) when using keyboard arrow keys. Default is 0.15.

.rotateInertia : Float

The rotation damping inertia used if .enableDamping is set to true. Note that for this to work, you must call .update() in your animation loop. Default is 0.05.

.rotateInertiaTouch : Float

Same as .rotateInertia, but for the touch-based controls used on mobile devices. Default value is 0.05.

.rotateSpeed : Float

Speed of rotation. Default is 0.9.

.rotateSpeedTouch : Float

Speed of rotation on touch-based devices. Default is 0.75.

.screen : Object

Screen offset and size.

.storyHeight : Float

Maximum height of the story. Specify if you need multiple floors in your scene, such as two-level cottage or large shopping mall. Default is 3.0.

.zoomSpeed : Float

Speed of zooming / dollying. Default is 30.0.

.zoomSpeedKey : Float

Speed of zooming when using keyboard arrow keys. Default is 0.2.

.zoomInertia : Float

The zoom damping inertia used if .enableDamping is set to true. Note that for this to work, you must call .update() in your animation loop. Default is 0.05.



Remove all the event listeners.


Update the .screen object by retrieving position and size of the .domElement.

.tween(toPosition : Vector3, toTarget : Vector3, time : Float, finishCb : Function, movementType : Constant)

The new position of the camera.
The new target point.
The length of the tween animation.
A callback to be called after the tween animation ends.
The movement interpolation. Can be v3d.TweenLinear (default) or v3d.TweenSpherical.

Change the camera's current position and target point to the specified new position and target smoothly over the specified time.

.tweenZoomTo(toTarget : Vector3, toZoom : Float, time : Float, finishCb : Function)

The new target point.
The new zoom factor.
The length of the tween animation.
A callback to be called after the tween animation ends.

Change the orthographic camera target point and zoom factor smoothly over the specified period of time.

.update() → Boolean

Update the controls. Must be called after any manual changes to the camera's transform, or in the update loop if .autoRotate or .enableDamping are set.


For more info on how to obtain the source code of this module see this page.