

Abstract base class for cameras. This class should always be inherited when you build a new camera.



Creates a new Camera. Note that this class is not intended to be called directly; you probably want a PerspectiveCamera or OrthographicCamera instead.


See the base Object3D class for common properties.

.controlSettings : ControlSettings

Camera control settings used to assign application controls.

.ignoreShadowLayers : Boolean

Ignore camera layers when rendering objects into the shadow map. Used internally by SSR pass. Default is false.

.isCamera : Boolean

Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Camera.

.layers : Layers

The layers that the camera is a member of. This is an inherited property from Object3D.

Objects must share at least one layer with the camera to be seen by the camera.

.matrixWorldInverse : Matrix4

This is the inverse of matrixWorld. matrixWorld contains the matrix which has the world transform of the camera.

.projectionMatrix : Matrix4

This is the matrix which contains the projection.

.projectionMatrixInverse : Matrix4

The inverse of projectionMatrix.

.viewportFit : Object

An object with viewport fit settings:

Viewport fit type, see here for more info.
Initial viewport aspect ratio.


See the base Object3D class for common methods.

.clone(recursive : Boolean) → Camera

Return a new camera with the same properties as this one.

.copy(source : Camera, recursive : Boolean) → this

Copy the properties from the source camera into this one.

.getWorldDirection(target : Vector3) → Vector3

target — the result will be copied into this vector.

Returns a Vector3 representing the world space direction in which the camera is looking. Note: A camera looks down its local, negative Z-axis.


There are numerous camera puzzles to manage your camera with no coding.


For more info on how to obtain the source code of this module see this page.