

The AudioListener represents a virtual listener of the all positional and non-positional audio effects in the scene.
A Verge3D application usually creates a single instance of AudioListener. It is a mandatory construtor parameter for audios entities like Audio and PositionalAudio.
In most cases, the listener object is a child of the camera. So the 3D transformation of the camera represents the 3D transformation of the listener.

Code Example

// create an AudioListener and add it to the camera const listener = new v3d.AudioListener(); camera.add(listener); // create a global audio source const sound = new v3d.Audio(listener); // load a sound and set it as the Audio object's buffer const audioLoader = new v3d.AudioLoader(); audioLoader.load('sounds/ambient.ogg', function(buffer) { sound.setBuffer(buffer); sound.setLoop(true); sound.setVolume(0.5); sound.play(); });



Create a new AudioListener.


.context : AudioContext

The AudioContext of the listener given in the constructor.

.gain : GainNode

A GainNode created using AudioContext.createGain().

.filter : AudioNode

Default is null.

.timeDelta : Float

Time delta value for audio entities. Use in context of AudioParam.linearRampToValueAtTimeDefault(). Default is 0.


.getInput() → GainNode

Return the gainNode.

.removeFilter() → this

Set the filter property to null.

.getFilter() → AudioNode

Returns the value of the filter property.

.setFilter(value : AudioNode) → this

Set the filter property to value.

.getMasterVolume() → Float

Return the volume.

.setMasterVolume(value : Float) → this

Set the volume.


Verge3D offers audio puzzles to simplify work with sounds and music.


For more info on how to obtain the source code of this module see this page.