
AnimationActions schedule the performance of the animations which are stored in AnimationClips.

Most of AnimationAction's methods can be chained.

For an overview of the different elements of the Verge3D animation system, see the Animation System section of the manual.


AnimationAction(mixer : AnimationMixer, clip : AnimationClip, localRoot : Object3D)

Instead of calling this constructor directly you should instantiate an AnimationAction with AnimationMixer.clipAction since this method provides caching for better performance.


.blendMode : Integer

Defines how the animation is blended/combined when two or more animations are simultaneously played. Valid values are NormalAnimationBlendMode (default) and AdditiveAnimationBlendMode.

.clampWhenFinished : Boolean

If clampWhenFinished is set to true the animation will automatically be paused on its last frame.

If clampWhenFinished is set to false, enabled will automatically be switched to false when the last loop of the action has finished, so that this action has no further impact.

Default is false.

clampWhenFinished has no impact if the action is interrupted (it has only an effect if its last loop has really finished).

.enabled : Boolean

Setting enabled to false disables this action, so that it has no impact. Default is true.

When the action is re-enabled, the animation continues from its current time (setting enabled to false doesn't reset the action).

Setting enabled to true doesn’t automatically restart the animation. Setting enabled to true will only restart the animation immediately if the following condition is fulfilled: paused is false, this action has not been deactivated in the meantime (by executing a stop or reset command), and neither weight nor timeScale is 0.

.loop : Integer

The looping mode (can be changed with setLoop). Default is v3d.LoopRepeat (with an infinite number of repetitions).

Must be one of these constants:

.paused : Boolean

Setting paused to true pauses the execution of the action by setting the effective time scale to 0. Default is false.

.repetitions : Integer

The number of repetitions of the performed AnimationClip over the course of this action. Can be set via setLoop. Default is Infinity.

Setting this number has no effect, if the loop mode is set to v3d.LoopOnce.

.time : Float

The local time of this action (in seconds, starting with 0).

The value gets clamped or wrapped to 0...clip.duration (according to the loop state). It can be scaled relatively to the global mixer time by changing timeScale (using setEffectiveTimeScale or setDuration).

.timeScale : Float

Scaling factor for the time. A value of 0 causes the animation to pause. Negative values cause the animation to play backwards. Default is 1.

Properties/methods concerning timeScale (respectively time) are: getEffectiveTimeScale, halt, paused, setDuration, setEffectiveTimeScale, stopWarping, syncWith, warp.

.timeStart : Float

The local start time for this action (in seconds). Use with AnimationClip.duration to set the playback range. Default is 0.

.weight : Float

The degree of influence of this action (in the interval [0, 1]). Values between 0 (no impact) and 1 (full impact) can be used to blend between several actions. Default is 1.

Properties/methods concerning weight are: crossFadeFrom, crossFadeTo, enabled, fadeIn, fadeOut, getEffectiveWeight, setEffectiveWeight, stopFading.

.zeroSlopeAtEnd : Boolean

Enables smooth interpolation without separate clips for start, loop and end. Default is true.

.zeroSlopeAtStart : Boolean

Enables smooth interpolation without separate clips for start, loop and end. Default is true.


.crossFadeFrom(fadeOutAction : AnimationAction, durationInSeconds : Float, warpBoolean : Boolean) → this

Causes this action to fade in, fading out another action simultaneously, within the passed time interval. This method can be chained.

If warpBoolean is true, additional warping (gradually changes of the time scales) will be applied.

Like with fadeIn/fadeOut, the fading starts/ends with a weight of 1.

.crossFadeTo(fadeInAction : AnimationAction, durationInSeconds : Float, warpBoolean : Boolean) → this

Causes this action to fade out, fading in another action simultaneously, within the passed time interval. This method can be chained.

If warpBoolean is true, additional warping (gradually changes of the time scales) will be applied.

Like with fadeIn/fadeOut, the fading starts/ends with a weight of 1.

.fadeIn(durationInSeconds : Float) → this

Increases the weight of this action gradually from 0 to 1, within the passed time interval. This method can be chained.

.fadeOut(durationInSeconds : Float) → this

Decreases the weight of this action gradually from 1 to 0, within the passed time interval. This method can be chained.

.getEffectiveTimeScale() → Float

Returns the effective time scale (considering the current states of warping and paused).

.getEffectiveWeight() → Float

Returns the effective weight (considering the current states of fading and enabled).

.getClip() → AnimationClip

Returns the clip which holds the animation data for this action.

.getMixer() → AnimationMixer

Returns the mixer which is responsible for playing this action.

.getRoot() → Object3D

Returns the root object on which this action is performed.

.halt(durationInSeconds : Float) → this

Decelerates this animation's speed to 0 by decreasing timeScale gradually (starting from its current value), within the passed time interval. This method can be chained.

.isRunning() → Boolean

Returns true if the action’s time is currently running.

In addition to being activated in the mixer (see isScheduled) the following conditions must be fulfilled: paused is equal to false, enabled is equal to true, timeScale is different from 0, and there is no scheduling for a delayed start (startAt).

isRunning being true doesn’t necessarily mean that the animation can actually be seen. This is only the case, if weight is additionally set to a non-zero value.

.isScheduled() → Boolean

Returns true, if this action is activated in the mixer.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that the animation is actually running (compare the additional conditions for isRunning).

.play() → this

Tells the mixer to activate the action. This method can be chained.

Activating this action doesn’t necessarily mean that the animation starts immediately: If the action had already finished before (by reaching the end of its last loop), or if a time for a delayed start has been set (via startAt), a reset must be executed first. Some other settings (paused=true, enabled=false, weight=0, timeScale=0) can prevent the animation from playing, too.

.reset() → this

Resets the action. This method can be chained.

This method sets paused to false, enabled to true, time to 0, interrupts any scheduled fading and warping, and removes the internal loop count and scheduling for delayed starting.

.reset is always called by .stop, but .reset doesn’t call .stop itself. This means: If you want both, resetting and stopping, don’t call .reset; call .stop instead.

.setDuration(durationInSeconds : Float) → this

Sets the duration for a single loop of this action (by adjusting timeScale and stopping any scheduled warping). This method can be chained.

.setEffectiveTimeScale(timeScale : Float) → this

Sets the timeScale and stops any scheduled warping. This method can be chained.

If paused is false, the effective time scale (an internal property) will also be set to this value; otherwise the effective time scale (directly affecting the animation at this moment) will be set to 0.

.paused will not be switched to true automatically, if .timeScale is set to 0 by this method.

.setEffectiveWeight(weight : Float) → this

Sets the weight and stops any scheduled fading. This method can be chained.

If enabled is true, the effective weight (an internal property) will also be set to this value; otherwise the effective weight (directly affecting the animation at this moment) will be set to 0.

.enabled will not be switched to false automatically, if .weight is set to 0 by this method.

.setLoop(loopMode : Integer, repetitions : Integer) → this

Sets the loop mode and the number of repetitions. This method can be chained.

.startAt(startTimeInSeconds : Float) → this

Defines the time for a delayed start (usually passed as AnimationMixer.time + deltaTimeInSeconds). This method can be chained.

The animation will only start at the given time, if .startAt is chained with play, or if the action has already been activated in the mixer (by a previous call of .play, without stopping or resetting it in the meantime).

.stop() → this

Tells the mixer to deactivate this action. This method can be chained.

The action will be immediately stopped and completely reset.

You can stop all active actions on the same mixer in one go via mixer.stopAllAction.

.stopFading() → this

Stops any scheduled fading which is applied to this action. This method can be chained.

.stopWarping() → this

Stops any scheduled warping which is applied to this action. This method can be chained.

.syncWith(otherAction : AnimationAction) → this

Synchronizes this action with the passed other action. This method can be chained.

Synchronizing is done by setting this action’s time and timeScale values to the corresponding values of the other action (stopping any scheduled warping).

Future changes of the other action's time and timeScale will not be detected.

.warp(startTimeScale : Float, endTimeScale : Float, durationInSeconds : Float) → this

Changes the playback speed, within the passed time interval, by modifying timeScale gradually from startTimeScale to endTimeScale. This method can be chained.


There are two events indicating when a single loop of the action respectively the entire action has finished. You can react to them with:

mixer.addEventListener('loop', function(e) { …}); // properties of e: type, action and loopDelta mixer.addEventListener('finished', function(e) { …}); // properties of e: type, action and direction


You can also employ animation puzzles which can be easier to use than AnimationAction API.


For more info on how to obtain the source code of this module see this page.