We’re glad to present the new versions of Blender Essential and Jewelry material packs. This is a major upgrade as you can now use both libraries via Blender Asset Browser for a simple drag-and-drop production pipeline. Moreover, you can now select from 9 nice HDRI-based world shaders and assign them on your scene in the same drag-and-drop fashion.
We also added 5 new architectural materials to the Essential pack, including:

Another nice thing, the price of Jewelry Material Pack is now a hundred bucks less, so you can acquire it now for just $90!
If you already own the libraries, you can obtain the new versions for free. If not yet, feel free to purchase these packs for just $90 from our store:
To use the new material packs simply extract the ZIP and add the extracted folder using Blender Preferences → File Paths → Asset Libraries:

Once you set it up, you’ll see nice materials populating the categories in the Asset Browser:

Let us know what you think about this update in comments below or on the community forums!