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Annotation with text and buttons?

Home Forums Puzzles Annotation with text and buttons?

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    I’m sorry for my question, I’m a total newbie in Verge3D and also not that good at html…

    I followed the basic tutorial with the knife and annotations in blender.
    But now I need a bigger window when I click on an annotation and in this window should be text and also other buttons which than triggers different animations when pressed.
    Is this possible with the existing annotations? Or should I follow the Custom Annotations from John Sperry and make my own annotations? How do I get buttons inside?

    Thanks for any help!

    Best regards,


    The method John Sperry uses is a good solution but in the end you will still need to understand HTML (html puzzles) and CSS (css puzzles). If this is problematic or you don’t want to go down this route you can create your own 3D object buttons in 3D space and then hide and show other objects, planes with textures, etc. Those items can have links to other items, links to URLS…etc. Both methods work…both have their specific uses cases.

    You will need to define your use case: do you need your app to be responsive, does the text / links need to be live text…etc. That will help you define what method to use.

    Route 66 Digital
    Interactive Solutions - https://www.r66d.com
    Tutorials - https://www.xeons3dlab.com


    Thank you Xeon.
    Then I will try to make the method of John working.
    Is there a way to combine it with the existing annotation elements?
    Or does they not work together?

    Thank you!


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