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Verge3d with Webstudio HTML Builder

Home Forums General Questions Verge3d with Webstudio HTML Builder

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  • #79257

    Dear team,
    I would like to use Verge3D together with an open-source HTML builder (Webstudio.is) as an alternative to Webflow.
    Webstudio offers an integrated cloud solution for publishing online content, in some ways similar to the ability to publish on Verge3D’s server.
    Verge3D, on the other hand, provides a “project folder” model.

    By building web pages with Webstudio, where I want to include 3D content created with Verge (like this WIP: https://www.bullx.it/3d/omerwolfdemo), I would like to understand how to handle the uploading of these contents.
    Currently, the page created and hosted on Webstudio includes an iframe created and hosted on the Verge server.

    However, this approach does not allow the HTML-based UI to communicate with the 3D app.
    I wanted to know what the best practice is for building HTML UIs with Webstudio and publishing content on their cloud.

    The Verge cloud is not an FTP and only allows uploading traditional assets; for example, it does not support uploading files with extensions like .gltf or .bin.
    What I don’t understand is whether the app and the HTML UI need to be on the same server to interact.

    Additionally, since I’m not a programmer, I would be delighted to continue using Verge3D’s visual programming system.
    Thank you for your support.

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