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Blender, Active Scene Camera coordinates, is ignored on publish.

Home Forums Bug Reports and Feature Requests Blender, Active Scene Camera coordinates, is ignored on publish.

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  • #77543

    This occurs every time I create an app, why does this happen?

    This is the Cam Perspective view in Blender:

    This is what the app shows in the browser:

    Why can account for this discrepancy?

    • This topic was modified 3 hours, 58 minutes ago by jefferywright.
    • This topic was modified 3 hours, 57 minutes ago by jefferywright.
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    Interactive Multimedia and Visual Design


    Your camera is looking exactly at 0,0,0 point and this point is right in the middle of your screenshot. Just add an offset in the camera settings.

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.

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