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Pricing for education

Home Forums General Questions Pricing for education

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  • #5567

    Hi Yuri

    In my perspective of a Blend4web user, I think that Verge 3D is too expensive for small projects or, mainly, for the education market. Since I think that you were the soul of the Blend4web project it’s natural that I’m now trying to follow and use Verge3D. However Blend4Web is offering full functionallyty for free (without templates or enterprise support) while Verge3D gives the same for at least 290 US Dl. For those that do not profit from the software this is a little bit expensive, for instance for academic use. Do you expect to have any special pricing policy for academic use without functionality cuts?
    Best regards.


    Hi rhenriques,

    Thank you for your trust and confidence. Please send us a formal request via the contact form and provide some information on your academic institution, the number of users and how you’re going to use Verge3D. I think we’ll be able to figure something out.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Hi Yuri

    A while ago I’ve used the contact form to clarify my request and provide additional info. Did you ever got that information.
    Best Regards



    Yes, I replied to your email on August, 13. Can you please check your university mail box?

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Hi Yuri
    Your message must have been sequestrated by our main servers spam filters. As we are on vacation period, the message must have been deleted by the system. Can you please forward the original message again to the same email? I’ll be paying attention to the Anubis Spam filter system.

    Renato Henriques


    Okay, forwarded that email.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Hi Yuri,

    I also sent a message via the contact formular on august 20 for the almost same type of situation (Education), but I haven’t had an answer of you :-(
    I looked on the spam folder, but nothing.
    Can you said me if you’ve had my request via the contact formular ?
    Otherwise I make the request again.

    thank you in advance for your return.

    Best regards.



    I cannot find your request in our mail box – can you please try sending it again? :unsure:

    EDIT I actually have found your request dated August, 22. Replying to it now!

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter

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