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Video Reflection?

Home Forums General Questions Video Reflection?

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  • #13182

    Hi,I need some help on reflection. What I want to achieve is to be
    able to reflect the moving environment, like panorama content to be
    able reflect on 3D meshes (Just lights not like mirror effect in the
    example of physical material) .
    I found the new version allows me to use HDR file instead of the
    cube map. However, I need a video instead of a picture. Is there
    anyway to do so? Or, does it possible to make similar effect by using
    the shader for the materials? Let me know if it has any example to
    make such effect.

    Thank you so much :)


    Here is the example of equirectangular video
    This is achieved with JavaScript – click the View source button to see the code.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter

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